Thursday, January 16, 2020

New Memorial Technologies Families MUST Know About

New Memorial Technology
Every Family Needs to Know About

Like me and many other families who have lost a loved one, I was unaware of many of the new, best, and most innovative memorial technology options available for helping families plan a funeral, burial, cremation, or even serve as an added value to their end of life planning.

Each of these wonderful new memorial technology tools allow families to remember their loved ones.

They also provide a much better opportunity for individuals and families to heal from the inevitable grief and loss associated from losing a loved one.

You can find more information about each of these six new memorial technology options by visiting the following extremely educational and FREE family-focused online resource center:

Click each of these six pictures to below learn more:

 Memorial Reefs

 Memorial Diamond

 Memorial Website

 Video Tribute

 Gravestone Technology

Funeral Webcasting